Repeat Prescriptions

We now offer on line repeat prescription ordering.  This is the most efficient way of getting your repeat prescriptions.

Go to the home page and the ‘Register for Patient Access’ section to register (or come in to the surgery and we will give you a Registration letter).

You will be able to order repeat prescriptions after we have ‘switched you on’ at the practice end.  This method of ordering really helps the GPs too as the requests are more efficiently managed on our computer system.

You can also us the NHS App:

**We do not accept telephone or paper requests for prescriptions.**

Please order your medication 7 days before it is due and collect from your pharmacy from day 7.  You can visit our website to register on Patient Access via NHS app to order medication or you can request via your pharmacy.

Prescriptions Administrators

We have dedicated Prescription Administrators to deal with requests for repeat medication. We make it a priority to ensure that patients with ongoing medical problems are monitored regularly.

On occasions, a repeat prescription may not be able to be processed by the Prescription Administrator and you will be asked to see the doctor. This is done to protect you and to make sure your illness and medication is monitored. Please accept this offer of an appointment in the way it is intended. Your GP may also wish to monitor your illness and medication by arranging for any tests that you require, such as blood pressure readings or blood tests, in order to provide you with repeat prescriptions.

Please also note that in order to safeguard all those involved, requests for repeat prescriptions cannot be taken over the telephone. We do not allow minors to collect prescriptions.

Go paperless

The first step is to nominate your preferred pharmacy to enable us to send your prescription electronically. Once you have nominated a pharmacy for your prescriptions, please follow the options below to order repeat medication.

All repeat prescription requests take 3 full working days to process from when we receive your request.

The quickest and easiest way to get your medication is to sign up to the NHS App

For a full list of other online options, visit the self-care page.